
Festival: October Bank Holiday Weekend (23rd - 26th) 2025

Winter Screening

Clones Film Festival is delighted to host a short season of Winter Screenings over the next few months, to ease us back out of the darkness.



If you were at the screening during Clones Film Festival 2024 and missed the ending of the film, this screening is free of charge for you, just let the staff at the door know as we are re-screening this wnderful film on Saturday 25th January in the courthouse. 

To Purchase A Ticket Click Here


CFF The Wind

The Old Post Office | Saturday 26th | 1 pm | Sponsor: Darac Museum Storage & Display

A very special immersive experience to start the Saturday afternoon at CFF!

  • Lenka Clayton and Phillip Andrew Lewis
  • 77 minutes, US, 2024,
  • Cert: Club

The Wind is a feature-length film commissioned by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust and meticulously constructed from over 1,000 clips featuring wind taken from hundreds of other movies – from romcoms to westerns, spy dramas and horror movies. These films were all commercially produced, and come from countries all around the world, creating a sense of a shared force that we can observe as it travels around the globe.

Each clip of wind has its original sound. Sometimes this is the wind itself, but more often it carries fragments of tone, dialogue, music, or the edge of dramatic action from its previous context. We look at a cherry orchard through falling blossoms and hear a blood curdling scream. We see an uninhabited farmhouse and hear a car door slam behind us. This seemingly random audio concrete poetry is connected by the repeated visual of the wind that increases in force as the film develops.

A very special immersive experience to start the Saturday afternoon at CFF!


if you want to know when engaging, intelligent films are being shown in Clones Courthouse durning our off season, add you email address and click sign up

Soliciting a savvy social sharing scheme

We all know that word of mouth is the very best form of recommendation. People take you at your word and go with that advice. We want to enjoy the benefit of the glowing recommendations we have heard so many of you say, so please take a few minutes to share those utterances with your friends. 

  • WHAT WILL ‘SHARING’ DO FOR CLONES FILM FESTIVAL? Simply put, if we can keep our promotional cost to a minimum, this enables our team to bring our audiences more films. We hear you say "WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP?" Well, we're glad you asked, as simply "LIKING" is not enough. Here's a list of things that you could do to help:
  • Share our Facebook entries on your timeline
  • Comment on our Facebook entries
  • Mention a friend’s Facebook name if you think they might be interested in a comment or a film
  • Share Clones Film Festival’s website by copying and pasting the following URL: http://www.clonesfilmfestival.com/ in your "Facebook status"
  • Go on, go ahead - just "Like" something on our Facebook page Did we mention the importance of "Sharing"?

We have added a ticket purchasing facility to our website.  This means that you will be able to "Share" a screening you would like to go to with a friend and they too can buy a ticket. Or if you see a listing for a film that a friend was talking about, then go ahead, SHARE it with them. We're guessing that if you've read this far, you realise that our general wish is that you "share" our stuff.


Permitted Quotations

Spoken in the heat of the moment.